This is hubby Aaron in the bouncy house with his sister Brenda. She came down from Maine to celebrate with us.
Jess in the sumo suit daring one our younger partiers to wrestle her! She was successful in getting her into the suit, but then was out-wrestled!
Our favorite gal Tricia creating the ever favorite bean dip. She dove right in and helped from start to finish. I don't think the party would've been as much fun without her!!
Our son Andrew (who is also Tricia's boyfriend) , had left the day before the party for a job in Alaska. He was originally accepted for a job on the slime line (that's where they gut and clean the salmon) at a fishery on Petersburg Island. Once he went through orientation, the freezer crew manager took him aside and asked if he'd rather work in the freezers. Andrew jumped at the chance, and it really sounds like he's in his element. The day he left had a bunch of us crying a bit, but we all knew it was something he had to do, and he'll be back in a few months....unless he gets a job on a fishing boat in Alaska! I told Tricia she will need to start buying cold weather clothes soon!! :o)
I did get a chance to start a new rug, and got everything but the background hooked.
This is a shot without the flash. The flash made the colors look almost neon (lol) and they really are quite primitive. I'm debating about adding large yellow squash on the very right, but might just leave it as is. Tomorrow, I'm going to work on something I've had percolating for a few weeks. If it works, I'll let ya know, if it doesn't, then mum's the I will get back to work on the horn of plenty in the picture above to get the background hooked some time next week if I survive going back to work...*sigh*.
Now it's off to watch a bit of tv, then to bed. Because Aaron and I are kid-less we are off the hook for any fireworks! While I really like fireworks, I hate the going home traffic, so we're just chilling at home...yeah!!