Friday, November 14, 2014

Things are happenin'!

Well, while winter isn't "officially" here, she is making her presence known.  Threats of snow here in Connecticut, actual snowstorms everywhere else!  Honestly, I like all the seasons, but Fall and Winter are my favorites because it's time to hunker down and rest up from the busy Spring and Summer.  Gardens, vacations, people coming to visit, etc make Spring and Summer a little tiring.

On to rug hooking news!  I have been one lucky hooker!  A friend from my knitting circle contacted me about an artist friend of hers wanting to sell some wool.  Her mother-in-law had passed, and (as she put it) had some wool in her basement.  I emailed her, and we scheduled a time for me to come to her sister-in-law's house to check out the wool. I headed over to her house after work one day (it was only a little over a mile from work...coincidence?  I think not!)  Down the basement we went, and I saw wool nirvana!!  The picture below is the wool in my garage because OF COURSE I BOUGHT IT!  They gave me the best deal on this wool, and now I'm set for life!

Yes, that's MANY six foot rolls of wool!  Apparently the mother-in-law bought out a rug braiding shop and this was what she had left. 

Once the wool was in the garage, I realized that I have a studio that needs overhauling!  So upstairs we (hubby and I) went, made a list, then got to work.  It's about a third done, and I'm able to spread my studio out over two rooms.  I can't believe how lucky I am!  After seeing a wonderful wool room on a fellow rug hooker's Facebook, I copycatted, headed to Ikea in New Haven and the results are below.  Keep in mind that it's a work in progress.

These Ikea shelves are perfect for storing wool, and as you can see, I have plenty of space to add more!  There's more, but I think I'll wait for a grand reveal.  All the mess is a bit embarrassing! I am just eager to get back to hooking, spinning, and knitting, and this mess is holding me!

So it's back to work for me, so I'll leave you all with a picture of our Winston in a tiara. He doesn't seem very happy, but he got a treat after! 
